Thursday, April 29, 2010

My first post...

Initially I was thinking about writing some cool and reasonably funny post for my first attempt at blogging but I since then changed my mind. Why? 'Coz of the 3 and half fucking hours it took me to create this blog template, gain access to my GMail account as well change the damn password on Facebook. I'm fucking tired! That's why.

A little background info: I, like many others, I assume, did the cool thing of creating a GMail account a significant while back, when having a GMail account was considered to be ultra cool. You were one of the trendsetters of note. Don't get me wrong, I think what Google does is absolutely fantastic and pretty soon the may even take over the world like some corporate organisations do in the movie titled "War Inc" starring John Cusack, which may not be soooo bad if you spoke geek. Me, on the other hand, am not so fluent in geek. Yeah, sure I can get by with what I know, and perhaps I'm better off than most but at the end of the day I'm just another schmuck getting played up by some 14 year old zit-face 3-strands-of-pubic-hair freak with no life. Anyways, I digress, I created this trendy GMail account but never really used it 'coz I still had my work e-mail address at the time. Now fast forward many moons later, when I'm no longer with the company, I have to rely on my GMail address. The only problem I can't bloody hell remember the damn password.

But the great thing about Google is their facilities for help. They offer to reset my password to one of my choosing but only if I can answer my security question. See where this is going yet? Yes, my security question which I created during the dawn of mankind (give or take a few millennia). And nooooo, I had to be cryptic about the whole fucking thing. My secret question at the time was "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" I mean WTF!? What the hell was I thinking?

Anywho, I huffed and I puffed and eventually had to take several doses of my Ventolin (asthma) inhaler, and the fucker would still not let me in. Now there is another alternative, I could fill out the online form where Google's automated help desk would query it numerous server farms and send me the details I required the following day.

There's two problems with this:

One - Have you seen the questions they ask you? Who the hell remembers that shit? What was the verification number that was sent to you when you were first invite to create a GMail account? Really? WTF! It would probably have been easier for me scan a semen sample and email to them to prove my identity. At least this way it would have been a little pleasurable. So half way through this (the online form, not the semen sample) I decide, fuck it, I'll find another way around it.

Two, I'm not gonna complete this online form that was created in the scrotum sac of some highly paid overachiever because doing so would mean giving in and failing. And hells no I'm not conceding to this fucker for I am man and hear me roar. I'll do this shit my own way.

So I created another GMail address.

Pretty much the same thing happened with Facebook, however at least I got intermediate breaks with all the "unable to connect to the server due to an increase of use" shit. I shoulda just stayed in bed today. Dammit, I knew I shoulda stayed in bed.

But alas, I managed to get it done and hopefully my problems are at an end.... oh wait, I still gotta do the AdSense thing. Wish me luck. Aw, fuck it, there's a Klipdrift & Cola with my name on it waiting to relax me after hours of non-work related shit. And besides, tomorrow's another day. And maybe, just maybe, I'll stay in bed. What was it they say.... Don't put off procrastination.

Anyway, this is the end of my little rant and I hope that you enjoyed or that you have not broken any ribs lurching over the porcelain throne from upchucking this bit of useless insight to my new life as a blogger.

I would love some feedback from you, irrespective of whether it's kind or otherwise.

'Til the next post, take it easy. And should get it easy, take it again.

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